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The Awards exciting new partnership in 2021 with QANTAS and Travel Insider presents an extraordinary opportunity for Australia’s best wine and beverage list creators – and the outstanding cellars behind them – to receive the recognition they so richly deserve for their continued pursuit of excellence, whilst at the same time deliver a guide for consumers that will uncover the best wine lists across the country.
Entries are now open, and sommeliers and business owners have until Friday 11thJune 2021 to submit their lists to the judges – entries close on 11thJune 2021.
With the 30-strong independent judging panel including highly respected local and international Master Sommeliers, Masters of Wine, wine communicators, previous national Wine List Award winners and Sommeliers Australia representatives assessing each year’s lists, Australia’s Wine List of the Year Awards are now rightfully renowned as being the most prestigious award program for Sommeliers and Owners – be they Restaurateurs, Hoteliers, Pub, Club or Wine Bar Managers – large and small.
Lists are ranked from one to three glasses. The best of the best are then in contention for the highly prized Category awards and of course – Australia’s Best Wine List! In addition to best list in the Nation and best in each State/Territory, entrants can also submit their lists in a diverse range of categories including by geography and venue type as well as special categories such as Best Listing of Wines by the Glass, Best Food and Wine Matching, beverage specialities and lists showcasing States / Territories or regions.
The Awards, from their establishment in 1994 by Tucker Seabrook and Rob and his late wife Judy Hirst, have always been a platform to recognise, reward and celebrate the very best Australia has to offer in the way of Wine Lists – that critical ‘other half’ of the perfect dining experience, and the outstanding individuals behind them. This continues to be the Awards’ focus today.
Over the years, the quality of Australia’s wine lists has grown in line with the quality of the exceptional cuisine offered across Australia’s restaurants, hotels, clubs, pubs and wine bars.
This unprecedented growth in the quality of Australia’s wine lists is reflected in the results now being achieved by the Awards entrants – from 9 x 3 Glass Lists in 1994 to 157 x 3 Glass Lists in 2020 – an outstanding result!
The most popular award category in 2020 remained Best Wine by the Glass, with preservation technology such as Coravin making this a perfect vehicle for offering premium wines to consumers. This was followed by Best Matching of Food and Wine– reflecting the close partnership between sommeliers and chefs. A renewed focus on Australian wines has also seen Best Listing of Australian Wines and Best Listing of a Region’s Wines rise in popularity showing the desire to showcase the exciting work of local producers alongside imported wines and spirits.
To see the complete list of all 2020 winners, visit
2021 Awards Partners:
The key communication partners for the 2021 Awards are QANTAS magazine and Travel Insider and The Drinks Association, the pre-eminent supplier of information and services to the Australian Liquor Trade.
Representing the new Awards partner, Kirsten Galliott, Editor-in-Chief, QANTAS magazine and Travel Insider, said she was thrilled to have the opportunity to partner with Australia’s Wine List of the Year Awards. “I have been a long–time admirer of the awards and feel now is the perfect time to celebrate the achievements of our restaurant industry in what has been a challenging year. There is always opportunity in adversity and we want to showcase how Australia’s top sommeliers have continued to champion excellence and try new things. Qantas magazine readers are always on the lookout for incredible experiences and it is our role to keep them informed of the best around the country.”
Representing The Drinks Association – the continuing official Trade Communications Partner of Australia’s Wine List of the Year Awards, Georgia Lennon, CEO, said “At the Drinks Association, we strive to inform, strengthen and connect the Australian drinks industry. There has never been a more important time to support our hospitality partners and the people who service them. We look forward to celebrating the achievements of sommeliers and venues throughout Australia again this year. Come September, we’ll be toasting the winners and sharing their stories in our Drinks Trade magazine and via our digital media platforms.”
2021 New Awards:
To recognise the impact the pandemic has had on the Australian hospitality and tourism industries, two new awards have been introduced in 2021.
- “Australia’s Best Wine List – 200 Wines”
- “Australia’s Wine List of the Year – Australia’s Choice Award”
2021 Key Dates:
Entries Open: Monday 3rd May 2021
Entriess Close: Friday 11th June 2021
Awards Presentation: Monday 27th September 2021
Rob Hirst, Australia’s Wine List of the Year Awards
E: M: 0416 011 838
W: Australia’s Wine List of the Year Awards –
Lara Gago, Australia’s Wine List of the Year Awards – Awards Coordinator
E: M: 0416 355 070
Elaine Millar, Australia’s Wine List of the Year Awards – Media
E: M: 0414 258 633
Entrant Enquiries, Australia’s Wine List of the Year Awards
Sincere thanks to all the Awards 2021 Partners and supporting Sponsors below for making these Awards possible – from the Awards and the Industry: